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“You need to hide your IP”, you probably heard multiple times so far. Globally, people’s and businesses’ top concerns these days are online security and privacy. A key component of safeguarding your virtual persona involves concealing your Internet Protocol (IP) address.

An IP address is a special number that is linked to each device that is online. Regretfully, it can be used to monitor your internet behavior and possibly cause you harm. To be more precise, you might be exposed to different types of online threats.

This article will discuss how your IP address can be used to track your online activities, why it’s important to hide your IP address, and the different ways you can stay safe and anonymous when browsing the internet.

It has been a long time since we laid the foundations of our blog section. We started from the most basic and simple terms regarding proxies and online security, we passed through the depths of web scraping, we scrutinized different platforms you could utilize proxies with. And now, we feel the need to remind once more why you need to take care of your security and anonymity using proxies.

If you want to try out our proxies to hide your IP, get a trial on QuickProxy for only $1.99. 

Hide your IP to prevent tracking your online activities

Your IP address provides information about your approximate location and internet service provider (ISP). Thus, it serves as a digital fingerprint. Your IP address may be used to monitor your online activity. Each time you use an online service or visit a website you leave traces. Your data is accessible to a few entities and organizations. As you suppose, some of them may misuse it. Among these organizations are:

Websites and online services: They can use your IP address to track you down, analyze your user behavior. Last, they can determine the general location of the content you view.

Advertisers: They are fond of targeting advertisements by using your IP address. For that purpose, they will create a profile of your online activities and preferences.

Government agencies: It should be no surprise to you that law enforcement and intelligence organizations can require some personal info. Occasionally they have the right to ask IP address logs from websites or ISPs.

Hackers and cybercriminals: Your IP address may be used by malicious actors to launch focused attacks. These include DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks or attempts to compromise your network. By tracking your IP address, these entities can gain insights into your online behavior. And this is just a step away from compromising your privacy and security.

As we know, stating “I have nothing to hide” is an old-dated phrase. Even if true, it is a matter of principle and self-respect to protect your online privacy. Let alone your financial data and banking details. This is our personal statement on privacy and security. We suppose you share the same view on it. It is not a coincidence you are reading this blog post right now.

Masking your IP: protection from hackers and cyber threats

Mask your IP address. This is one of the most important things you can do to protect yourself from online threats. By hiding your IP address, you can:

  1. Prevent hackers from targeting your device: To find susceptible devices, hackers frequently search IP addresses. You can make it harder for them to target your device. Hiding your IP by applying a proxy is a great way to do it.
  2. Protect your personal information: You can reveal details about your location, internet service provider, and online activity by using your IP address. Keep this information private by hiding your IP.
  3. Bypass geo-restrictions and censorship: Certain websites and online services might impose access restrictions. They are mostly based on the location of your IP address. You can get around these limitations and view content that might not otherwise be available in your area. For that purpose, you can use a proxy.
  4. Maintain anonymity online: Your online activity can be tracked by third parties. However, it will be way more difficult for them when your IP address is hidden. Thus, you will have maximum anonymity when browsing the web.

Methods to Hide Your IP

You can conceal your IP address using a variety of techniques. Each has its pros and cons. Let’s review and compare impartially three widely used techniques:

Proxy servers: A proxy server acts as an intermediary between your device and the internet. It routes your traffic through a different IP address. This method is relatively easy to set up and can be free or low-cost. However, proxy servers can be slow. Additionally, some free proxies may log your data or inject ads into your browsing experience. Finally, proxy servers only hide your IP address at the application level. This means your ISP can still track your online activities.

Still, for several specific activities, private or business oriented, proxy servers are the best. We would say even the only solution: web scraping, ad verification, e-commerce and social media account management, SEO, etc.

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs): Another option is to mask your IP address with the VPN server’s one. A virtual private network (VPN) encrypts and routes your internet traffic through a distant server. VPNs encrypt your data and conceal your online activity from your ISP. That is why they are considered to provide a higher level of security and anonymity than proxy servers. In general, VPNs perform and speed better than proxy servers. However, some free VPNs may log your data or have slower speeds, and VPNs can be more expensive than proxy servers.

As was already mentioned, VPNs don’t always function. These are the cases that were mentioned previously. If you need to perform specific activities, opt for a proxy.

The Onion Router (Tor): Tor is a free and open-source program. It is built with the help of a network of servers run by volunteers. Tor makes it difficult to link your online activity to your actual IP address. Your traffic is encrypted multiple times and routed through multiple nodes before arriving at its destination. Tor provides a high degree of anonymity. Your internet speed will, however, be much slower. Besides some websites might stop traffic coming from Tor exit nodes.

It goes without saying that you cannot use it for the range of tasks that proxies are intended for.

If you want to enjoy the advantages of our premium proxies for hiding your IP, get 1 GB of bandwidth.

Best Practices to Hide Your IP

You can use a proxy, VPN, or Tor to hide your IP. In addition to that, you should also follow some best practices to further safeguard your online security and privacy:

Use a reputable VPN or proxy service: Select a supplier that offers many server locations, robust encryption, and a rigorous no-logging policy.

Keep your VPN or proxy software up to date: You can be sure you have the newest security features and bug fixes with regular updates.

Use a secure browser: Opt for browsers with built-in privacy features, such as Brave or Mozilla Firefox, and consider using browser extensions that block trackers and ads. It would be even best if you used anti-detect browsers, such as Incognition, Multilogin, Adspower, etc.

Be cautious when using public Wi-Fi: Steer clear of sensitive information when using public Wi-Fi networks, such as personal emails or online banking. When using public Wi-Fi, make sure to always encrypt your traffic with a VPN.

Use strong, unique passwords: Make sure to use strong and distinct passwords for all your online accounts, and if you can, turn on two-factor authentication.

Regularly clear your browser history and cookies: This lessens the possibility that websites will follow your online activities and compile an interest-based profile.


Protecting your online privacy and security is more important than ever. Your IP address is a crucial piece of data. It can be used to monitor your online activities and expose you to various cyberthreats. By concealing your IP address, you can browse the internet with greater security and anonymity. You have three main options depending on your needs: Tor, VPNs, or proxy servers.
We hope that this blog post has helped you figure out the foundations of your privacy and online security strategy. Of course, there are several factors to consider. Throughout our blog section, we’ve covered the many applications and benefits of using residential proxies—a premium type of proxy. As they are our favorite method, we hope you will choose them as your shield as well.

If you want to understand more about the world of proxies and the vast business opportunities they provide, register at Quick Proxy here.