three small human figures in a large data center

The increasing volume and damages by data breaches, surveillance, and geo-restrictions require protection tools. This is where proxies come into play. Proxies act as intermediaries between your device and the Internet. They mask your IP address and allow you to access restricted content. They also help maintain anonymity and privacy.

Based on the questions we received, we decided to compose the current article. There is a huge misunderstanding of ISP proxies. Quite often they are mismatched with residential ones. And this leads to wrong choices when picking up your proxy type. So, today our topic is: ISP proxies VS residential proxies. We’ll explore the key differences between these two types of proxies. We will help you determine which one is right for your specific needs.

What are ISP Proxies?

ISP proxies are a “crossbreed” between residential proxies and data center proxies. In nature they are data center IP addresses taken out and registered with an Internet service provider-associated ASN number. Previously we used to call them “static residential proxies”. The sneaker industry, however, turned their name into ISP proxies.

ISP proxies are generally cheaper than residential proxies and can be easily scaled to accommodate many users. They are also highly anonymous, as they are not associated with any specific individual or household.

However, cheaper prices goes with some drawbacks. The main disadvantage of ISP proxies is that they are more easily detectable.  Websites and online services are likely to detect and ban/flag them. These proxies have many similarities to data centers proxies. They often have similar IP ranges as data center ones. And ISP proxies lack the diversity of residential proxies. This means that websites can quickly identify and block traffic coming from ISP proxies. This makes them less suitable for certain use cases. We will discuss this in a separate section.

What are Residential Proxies?

Residential proxies are IP addresses provided by ISPs and assigned to homeowners. These proxies are genuine and tied to physical locations. That is why they are much harder to detect and block. Residential proxies offer a higher level of anonymity. They are less likely to be flagged as suspicious by websites and online services.

There are a few main advantages of residential proxies. Among them are their ability to bypass geo-restrictions and access location-specific content. As mentioned already, these proxies are associated with real-world locations. So, they can be used to simulate organic traffic from different regions. They are ideal for a wide range of tasks.

However, residential proxies also have some drawbacks. They are generally more expensive than ISP proxies. This is due to their limited supply and high demand. Additionally, the speed of residential proxies can vary. It depends on the ISP and the physical location of the IP address.

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ISP Proxies vs. Residential Proxies: Key differences.

It is time we reviewed the main differences between ISP proxies and residential proxies. There are few criteria we consider worthy of our attention:

  1. IP Ownership: ISP proxies are owned by data centers. Residential proxies are owned by ISPs and assigned to homeowners.
  2. Detectability: ISP proxies are easier to detect and block. Residential proxies are harder to identify and offer better anonymity.
  3. Speed and Reliability: ISP proxies generally offer faster speeds. The performance of residential proxies can vary depending on the ISP and location.
  4. IP rotation: As a rule, ISP proxies do not rotate and provide a static connection (though IP rotation may occur after some time). Residential proxies rotate.
  5. Cost: ISP proxies are usually cheaper than residential proxies. This is due to their abundance and lower maintenance costs.
  6. Use Cases: ISP proxies are better suited for tasks that require high-speed connections and bulk operations. Residential proxies are ideal for tasks requiring quality, reliability, and simulating organic traffic.

Scenarios where each type is most effective

ISP Proxies:

Stemming from what we outlined in the previous paragraph, ISP proxies could be a better match for:

  • Web scraping: When you need to gather large amounts of data quickly and efficiently, ISP proxies can help you avoid IP bans and maintain high scraping speeds.
  • Large-scale market research projects: when you collect data from multiple sources simultaneously.
  • SEO monitoring: ISP proxies can help you monitor your website’s search engine rankings from different locations without being detected as suspicious traffic.

Residential Proxies:

Higher price comes with higher quality and more options and use-cases:

  • Ad verification: Residential proxies allow you to simulate organic traffic from different regions. They can help you verify the placement and visibility of your online ads.
  • Price comparison: With residential proxies you can access e-commerce websites from various locations. You can compare prices and ensure that you’re getting the best deals.
  • Geo-restricted content: Residential proxies can help you bypass location-based restrictions. You can access content unavailable in your region. It could be a streaming service, online gaming platforms, or just a website available in a specific region only.
  • Social media management: Residential proxies allow you to manage multiple social media accounts. This will not trigger suspicious activity alerts or result in getting banned.

If you want to enjoy the advantages of our residential proxies, get 1 GB of bandwidth.


ISP proxies VS residential proxies: last words

Both ISP proxies and residential proxies have their strengths and weaknesses. The choice between them ultimately depends on your specific needs. If you prioritize speed and cost-effectiveness, ISP proxies might be the right approach. If anonymity, geo-targeting, IP diversity and rotation are your main concerns, residential proxies are the way to go.

Of course, the quality and performance of both ISP and residential proxies can vary. It depends on the provider. When choosing a proxy service, be sure to do your research and select a reputable provider. They should offer a diverse range of IP addresses and reliable connections.

The importance of proxies will only continue to grow. You should be aware of the differences between ISP proxies and residential proxies. This will let you make an informed decision and choose the type that best suits your needs.

Whether you’re a business owner looking to gather market intelligence, a marketer trying to verify ad placements, or an individual seeking to protect your online identity, the right proxy solution can help you achieve your goals while maintaining your privacy and security.