Mongolia Residential Proxies

Mongolia Residential Proxies

Mongolia Residential Proxies in our proxy pool amount to 30 600 units.

You can improve your online performance using our Mongolia Residential Proxy Network.

Fast and Reliable Mongolia Residential Proxies

Mongolia Residential Proxies are an asset in your browsing experience. You should be familiar with some statistics and information about the country to make the most out of them. 

Approximately 3.3 million people call Mongolia home, with 1.7 million residing in Ulaanbaatar, the country’s capital. Rich nomadic culture, extensive and varied natural landscapes, and a long history are the main draws of Mongolia. 

In 2020, the GDP of Mongolia was 13.14 billion USD, with a GDP per person of 4,007 USD. The Mongolian tögrög (MNT), divided into 100 möngö, is the official currency. Regarding payment methods, cash, bank cards, mobile wallets, and online banking are the most popular in Mongolia. 

Internet penetration and social media in Mongolia

DataReportal estimates that 2.16 million people in Mongolia used the internet in January 2022, or equivalent to 64.4% of the country’s total population. According to Speedtest, the average internet speed in Mongolia in December 2021 was 17.8 Mbps.

With an average of 63 IP addresses per 1000 people, Mongolia has 201,984 unique IP addresses or 0.002 percent of all IP addresses worldwide. Mongolia exhibits a comparatively low level of IP diversity and availability compared to other nations.

Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, VKontakte, and WeChat are Mongolia’s most widely used social media networks. 

The most well-known online shopping destinations are (USA), (Singapore), (Singapore), (China), and (China).

Why use Mongolia Residential proxies

Mongolia Residential proxies are IP addresses that internet service providers (ISPs) assign to real devices. Residential proxies are reliable, secure, and anonymous, and they are not very likely to be detected and blocked by websites.

There are several reasons why you might want to use residential proxies in Mongolia:

  • To access geo-restricted content or services only available in Mongolia or specific regions within Mongolia.
  • To bypass censorship or firewalls that prevent you from accessing certain websites or information from outside Mongolia.
  • To scrape data or perform market research on Mongolian websites or platforms without being blocked or banned.
  • To test the performance or functionality of your website or app from different locations within Mongolia.
  • To create or manage multiple online accounts or profiles on Mongolian platforms without being flagged as suspicious.

We suggest Quick Proxy if you’re searching for a trustworthy and reasonably priced residential proxy provider in Mongolia. High-quality residential proxies from more than 170 nations, including Mongolia, are available from Quick Proxy. More than 9 million ethically sourced and continuously updated IP addresses are available for selection. Fast response times, a 99 percent success rate, unlimited concurrent connections, and round-the-clock support are also available. Quick Proxy lets you filter by nation, city, and ISP and supports the HTTP and SOCKS5 protocols. Join Quick Proxy’s 1,99 USD trial today to start using their residential proxies in Mongolia.