Speed of residential proxies: variables and tips for improvement

Speed of residential proxies: a gamechanger

Speed of residential proxies is a key consideration in the fast-paced world of today. Nowadays, people want to establish a connection in a few seconds. At Quick Proxy we tested our residential proxies internally, and the results were impressive: 2.38 seconds was the response time.


Whether you’re a novice or an expert user, proxies can be complicated, and we need to explain some technical details. By examining how service providers achieve fast connection response times and the variables that may affect it, we hope to demystify the concept of proxy speed in this article.


Understanding how proxies operate can help you know why your connection might occasionally be slower or shed light on odd speed-related situations you may run into. For illustration, it sometimes happens that you can connect to a proxy server that is incredibly fast. And then, after a server rotation, experience a connection to a slower one.


Slow proxy servers eventually speed up.


Let’s start by going over the basics of proxy functionality. 


The five steps that influence the speed of Residential proxies

  1. Your device contacts a proxy server.
  2. The proxy server connects with an IP address in the selected area.
  3. The proxy server sends the request to the targeted website using a new IP address.
  4. The website sends the requested data to a server.
  5. The data is returned to you by the server.

During these steps, the proxy speed depends on several variables and is manipulable.


Connecting to a proxy server in step one

At this point, several things could affect the speed of your residential proxies and your connection:

Your neighborhood ISP’s offered internet speed: There are few options available if the speed could be better aside from changing ISPs.

Your distance from the proxy server: The signal takes longer to reach the server the further away you are. The ideal time for request processing is a few milliseconds.

Please note that Quick Proxy has numerous servers spread out across the globe to guarantee consistently fast connection speeds for users on various continents.


How can this step’s speed be increased?

Think about switching your ISP.

Select a proxy service that has servers nearby or spread out across several locations.


Connecting to a target IP through a proxy server in step 2


The most significant influence on proxy speed comes from this step. Given that a provider can have a finite number of servers and that targeted locations can be located almost anywhere, there will typically be a great deal of space between the server and the IP location.


The ISP that owns the IP you are connecting to is another aspect. You might have to accept it if the ISP’s signal transmission quality is poor or switch your proxy in the hopes of connecting to an IP from a different provider.


Additional simultaneous connections to the same IP address can reduce speed. While some providers have no control over this, reputable businesses with sizable proxy pools use clever IP rotation systems to prevent such problems.


Generally, it takes 3 seconds or less from when a signal is sent until it connects to an IP at the desired location. When we talk about a slowdown or an inadequate speed, we mean it takes about an additional two seconds or more to establish the connection. We strongly advise switching providers if the connection speed of your current proxy provider is greater than 10 seconds, especially if it is measured in minutes rather than seconds.


How can speed in this step be increased?

Changing the port number will get you a faster IP.

If you know which ISP has a faster connection, filter Ips by that ISP.

To move your signal to a faster proxy server, contact support.


Retransmitting the signal to the proxy server in step three


The data must be transferred back to the proxy server after your request has been fulfilled and the necessary information has been gathered from the targeted websites using a different IP address. Although this transfer typically happens in milliseconds, occasionally, problems like those in the previous step may result in brief delays.


How can this step’s speed be increased?

Changing the port number will get you a faster IP.

If you know which ISP has a faster connection, filter Ips by that ISP.

To move your signal to a different proxy server, contact support.


The proxy server sends a signal to you (the user) in step four

This step depends on some variables, including the distance, network load, local internet speed, and ISP speed of your IP address.


How can this step’s speed be increased?

Change your internet provider to increase your local download speed.

Changing the port number will get you a faster IP.


In conclusion, the primary variables affecting proxy speed are: Speed of your local internet, your distance from the proxy server, the separation between the targeted IP and the proxy server, the speed and quality of ISP signal transmission, IP Load.


Depending on the cause, you can increase proxy speed by: Contacting your internet service provider to improve your local internet speed; Establishing a connection with a closer proxy server (typically with help from support); Changing the port number allows you to get a new, possibly faster IP; Filtering Ips by a faster ISP in your desired location.

Q&A Frequently Asked Questions about speed of Residential Proxies: 

Q1: What qualifies as a good proxy speed?

A1: Proxy speed varies depending on whether it supports smooth operation for your particular use case and is subjective for each IP. Proxy speeds greater than 2 Mbps per second are typically considered high.


Q2: Do proxy servers impede internet speed?

A2: Your internet connection won’t necessarily slow down when using proxies. You might notice slightly longer times for websites to load when using proxies, but this is not because proxies directly affect your internet speed. The speed you experience, which may be slower than usual, is determined by several factors, including the distance between you and the server, the internet speed provided by your ISP, or the ISP of the IP address you are connecting to.


Q3: How can you check the speed of a proxy?

A3: You can check the proxy’s speed by visiting fast.com or any other speed test website. Remember that downloading files is required for these tests, so your data usage may increase quickly.


Q4: How can you use a proxy to increase internet speed?

A4: Depending on the cause, you can increase proxy speed by:

Contacting your internet service provider to improve your local internet speed.

Changing your proxy provider.

Establishing a connection with a closer proxy server (typically with help from support).

Changing the port number allows you to get a new, faster IP.