rotating arrows

Rotating proxies remain misunderstood even though users rely on them more and more. Reports suggest the residential proxy server market is experiencing significant growth. One source estimates a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 11.48% between 2022 and 2029.

Still, at least a few times a week, I receive the same question from new customers: “Do you offer static proxies? I need a static IP”. This was my central stimulus for writing the current article, and I hoped to shed some light on those essential matters. There often needs to be more clarity surrounding the different types of proxies available, particularly when it comes to rotating proxies and static proxies. This article aims to clarify the differences between these two types of proxies and their appropriate uses, dispelling the misconception that rotating proxies are inherently evil.

The Misconception: Rotating Proxies Are Bad

One common misconception is that rotating proxies are inferior to static proxies or are only used for malicious purposes. This belief stems from a need to understand rotating proxies’ unique features and benefits. Rotating proxies are a valuable tool for many legitimate use cases, and their effectiveness depends on the specific requirements of the task at hand.

Speaking about legitimacy, during the current 2024, we witnessed two legal cases that stated web scraping is legal. Tech giants X and Meta lost the legal battles. So, courts confirmed that scraping publicly available data is not a violation of law or terms of service. And now, back to the main topic—rotating proxies versus static ones.


If you want to make sure and test our residential rotating proxies then get a trial on QuickProxy for only $1.99.  


Understanding Rotating Proxies

Rotating proxies are a proxy service that automatically assigns a new IP address to each request or at predetermined intervals. They are also referred to as proxy rotation or IP rotation. This implies that the user’s traffic is routed through a pool of several IP addresses that are continuously rotated rather than a single, static IP address. 

Rotating proxies have two main benefits: they increase anonymity and lower the chance of being discovered or blocked. By continuously changing the IP address, rotating proxies prevent websites or online services from tracking or identifying the user’s activity. This is particularly useful for tasks such as data scraping, web crawling, data mining, or content extraction, where the user needs to access many pages or resources without being flagged as suspicious.

Rotating proxies are also beneficial for bypassing IP-based restrictions or geo-blocking. Users can access content or services restricted in their region by using IP addresses from different locations. Additionally, rotating proxies help distribute the load across multiple IP addresses, reducing the risk of overloading a single IP and potentially triggering anti-spam or anti-bot measures.


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Understanding Static Proxies

In contrast, each user of a static proxy is given a unique IP address. This guarantees a steady and predictable connection since all the user’s requests will come from the same IP address.

Static proxies are well-suited for tasks that require stability and reliability, such as testing, monitoring, auditing, or debugging. With a static proxy, the user doesn’t have to keep switching IP addresses and can be sure their connection will stay steady for the task’s duration.

Static proxies are handy for applications that need to use a particular IP address. By using a static proxy with an IP address from that location, users can ensure that their requests appear to originate from a specific country or region. This can be crucial for geo-targeted services or content.


Sticky Web Sessions and Rotating Proxies

When using rotating proxies, sticky web sessions are crucial to consider. Web sessions frequently need continuity and consistency to work correctly. For instance, the user’s session must be preserved across multiple requests when logging into a social media account, browsing an e-commerce website, or adding items to a cart.

Rotating proxies may break this continuity if the IP address shifts in the middle of a session. In response to this problem, Quick Proxy provides the option of “sticky sessions,” which guarantees that, even in cases where the IP pool is still rotating overall, the same IP address is used for the duration of a particular session.

Sticky sessions are beneficial for tasks that involve browsing, shopping, streaming, or socializing, where maintaining a consistent session is essential for a smooth user experience. By using sticky sessions, users can benefit from the anonymity and diversity of rotating proxies while still enjoying the stability and continuity of a static session.


Personal assessment of rotating proxies

In conclusion, the great misunderstanding surrounding rotating proxies and static proxies stems from a lack of practical knowledge about their respective strengths and appropriate use cases. Rotating proxies are not inherently evil. They are a powerful tool for tasks that require anonymity, diversity, and the ability to bypass restrictions. Static proxies, on the other hand, excel in situations where stability, predictability, and consistent geo-location are essential.

Regarding web sessions, rotating proxies can be used effectively by leveraging sticky sessions.

To sum up my personal experience, you should use static proxies for only a specific set of tasks: testing, monitoring, auditing, or debugging. I do not recommend using that type of proxy for other activities. In terms of quality, residential static proxies are somewhere between cheap datacenter proxies and premium residential proxies. Static proxies are more likely to be detected and blocked. 

You can use rotating proxies without worrying that websites and platforms will interpret IP rotation as something terrible. Instead, the reverse – it imitates natural human behavior and follows the dynamic model of residential networks. So, next time you think opening a social media account with a residential rotating proxy is dangerous, reconsider. Putting your filters for the city and the same ISP (internet service provider) will be OK even without applying sticky sessions.


If you want to understand more about the world of proxies, register at Quick Proxy here.



Questions and Answers:


Here are the most common questions we are receiving about rotating residential proxies. Check them and read the answer. Also, you may contact us if you have any other questions.

Q1: Why should I use rotating proxies instead of static proxies? Aren’t rotating proxies less reliable?


A1: Rotating proxies are often misunderstood, but they offer several advantages over static proxies depending on your needs. Here’s why you might choose rotating proxies:


  • Enhanced Anonymity: Rotating proxies change IP addresses at regular intervals, making it harder for websites to track or block your activities. This is particularly useful for tasks requiring high levels of anonymity, such as web scraping.
  • Reduced Risk of IP Bans: By rotating IPs, you spread out your requests across multiple addresses, reducing the risk of being banned for excessive use or suspicious activity.
  • Bypassing Geo-blocking: Rotating proxies can provide IPs from various locations, allowing you to access content or services restricted to certain regions.

While rotating proxies might seem less reliable due to the frequent IP changes, they can be highly effective when used correctly. For tasks requiring session consistency, you can use sticky sessions, which maintain the same IP address for the duration of a session.


Q2: In which scenarios are rotating proxies best suited, and when should I use static proxies instead?


A2: Rotating proxies and static proxies each have their own ideal use cases:

  • Rotating Proxies Are Best For:
    • Web Scraping and Data Mining: Prevent IP bans by distributing requests across multiple IP addresses.
    • SEO Monitoring: Collect data from various regions without being blocked.
    • Ad Verification: Ensure ads are displayed correctly in different locations.
    • Bypassing Geo-restrictions: Access region-specific content by using IPs from various locations.
  • Static Proxies Are Best For:
    • Testing and Monitoring: Consistent IPs are needed for reliable results.
    • Auditing and Debugging: A stable connection ensures accurate tracking and problem resolution.


Choosing the right type of proxy depends on the specific requirements of your task.


Q3: Are rotating proxies legal and safe to use?


A3: Yes, rotating proxies are legal and safe to use, especially for legitimate purposes. Here’s why:


  • Legality: Recent legal rulings, including cases involving tech giants like X and Meta, have confirmed that web scraping of publicly available data is legal. Rotating proxies, often used for scraping, are thus legal when used for accessing publicly available information.
  • Safety: Rotating proxies help enhance your online safety by providing greater anonymity and reducing the risk of IP bans. They mimic natural user behavior, making it less likely that websites will flag your activity as suspicious.

It’s essential to use rotating proxies ethically and in compliance with the terms of service of the websites you access. By doing so, you can enjoy the benefits of rotating proxies without legal or safety concerns.


If you want to understand more about the world of proxies, register at Quick Proxy here.