customer sentiment

Customer sentiment refers to consumers’ feelings toward a company, a good, or a service.

What are social listening tools, and how do they relate to customer sentiment

Customer sentiment can influence their purchasing decisions, loyalty, and word-of-mouth, whether positive, negative, or neutral. Customer sentiment analysis is obtaining and calculating customer sentiment from various sources, such as social media, reviews, surveys, and feedback forms.

One of the most well-liked and effective ways to assess customer sentiment is to use social listening tools. These tools monitor and analyze online discussions relating to a specific topic, item, or industry.

Social listening tools can help businesses find out what their customers think of them, how they feel about them, what they like and dislike, what their expectations and pain points are, and what trends and opportunities exist to take advantage of.

The most well-known social listening tools are Keyhole, Hootsuite, HubSpot, BuzzSumo, Sprout Social, Mention, Brand24, YouScan, Agorapulse, SocialBee, BrandMentions, Meltwater, Sprinklr, Talkwalker, Mentionlytics, Digimind, Zoho, Iconosquare, Awario, Sendible,, Oktopost, Statusbrew, and Sentinel.

According to a Hootsuite survey, 65.6% of marketers said social listening has grown in importance and value for their business.

Why use residential proxies for measuring customer sentiment

However, social listening tools and measuring customer sentiment have some limitations and challenges.

One is the potential for the platforms or websites they scrape data from to block or ban them. This is the case due to the anti-scraping measures used by most websites to recognize and block automated requests from crawlers or bots. Suppose a social listening tool makes too many requests from the same IP address or uses a questionable user agent. In that case, it may trigger these protections and be denied access to crucial data.

In this case, residential proxies are useful. Residential proxies are IP addresses linked to the devices of real users. They are made available by users who share their bandwidth in exchange for rewards or by proxy networks with agreements with internet service providers (ISPs). Due to their ability to blend in with regular web traffic and avoid detection by anti-scraping tools, residential proxies are reliable and anonymous.

Using residential proxies allows social listening tools to access any website or platform without restriction or prohibition. They can manually or automatically rotate their IP addresses to avoid being flagged as suspicious, allowing them to gather more data and create thorough, precise customer sentiment analyses.

According to a Hootsuite survey, 65.6% of marketers said social listening has grown in importance and value for their business.

Use cases of residential proxies for gauging client satisfaction

  • Monitoring social media: Residential proxies can help you monitor and investigate what customers say about a business, a product, or a service on websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. They can also help you find trends, influential people, and feedback from various markets and demographics.
  • Web scraping: Residential proxies can help gather information from various websites, including blogs, forums, e-commerce sites, and reviews. They can help extract data from consumer preferences, opinions, and behavior, including prices, ratings, reviews, and comments.
  • Online polls and surveys: To gather customer feedback on various topics, such as satisfaction, loyalty, expectations, etc., online polls and surveys can be conducted using residential proxies. These can help avoid bot detection and contact a diverse and representative sample of respondents.

Benefits of using residential proxies for measuring customer sentiment

Utilizing residential proxies for customer sentiment analysis has several advantages, including:

  • They have access to geo-restricted or localized data and content that can help businesses understand consumer sentiment in various markets or regions.
  • They can get around rate restrictions and captchas, which can impede or halt the data collection process.
  • They can reduce the risk of data loss or corruption by ensuring a constant and secure connection to the target websites or platforms. By reducing latency and bandwidth usage, they can also increase the speed and functionality of social listening tools.

Residential proxies are generally useful tools for analyzing customer sentiment. They can help businesses learn crucial information about their customers’ beliefs, preferences, requirements, and behaviors.

They can also help businesses improve customer relations, marketing strategies, and reputation. Residential proxies give businesses a competitive edge and increase customer loyalty.